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Email Support

We accept email contacts only as to maintain a record of all conversations and to permit our staff time to work physically in the shop.  Please email us at any time you have any questions and we will be happy to get back to you as soon as time permits. Please keep in mind we are not only working on the computer throughout the day and may not always be able to respond instantly. We really appreciate your patience!

Passion Driven

We are enthusiasts just like you and Grip Royal is not only our livelihood but is most definitely our passion! So if you have any questions or concerns, or maybe even just need some advice concerning what to purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email. If we’re not educated enough on the topic of question, we’re not above letting you know and maybe we can learn together!

Quick Order Fulfillment

Simply add items to your cart and begin the checkout process for an accurate shipping quote through our available shipping services! For domestic customers we ship everything via UPS Ground with third party insurance coverage. In the event the delivery is genuinely lost or damaged upon arrival, holler at us and we’ll handle it! If you’re an international customer you may consider the DHL rates to be more expensive. However, in the many years of operation here we have determined that DHL Express is not only extremely fast but also very reliable. The price is well worth it! During the pandemic we had way too many packages being lost or returned when shipping USPS internationally. Though USPS is a much cheaper option, it is unreliable and often creates issues for both the customer and our staff. So keep this in mind when running quotes during our checkout process.

Secure Payment

We accept all payments through our trusted secure Paypal checkout. Even without an account you can checkout using a credit or debit card and know the transaction is covered by Paypal’s safe system. If you’re having any issues with the checkout process please don’t hesitate to email us and we can guide you through the process or even send over an invoice directly to get you taken care of. If you happen to catch us at show while traveling have no fear as we are ready to accept payment via Paypal, Venmo, or CashApp software.

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Need some help? Email us!

Shoot us an email and we will get back to you in the next business day. We generally answer emails to start our weekdays, unless we are traveling. So check your spam inbox in case our reply ends up there!

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